*peeks around the corner


Are you there friends? It’s been a minute… I’ll blame a senior semester of final papers and projects for my tepidness towards getting back on the page — sometimes you just need a second. or eight months.

…oopsie daisies.

I was en route to a most indulgent Thanksgiving weekend when I decided to break the loud silence over here by lifting an end-of-year writing prompt right off the social:

What is your truth? it asked. Imagine you are planting seeds to produce a beautiful harvest. What does it look like? Feel like? Set intentions, be specific. 

Nothing like sitting with what you know to be true to just get the words flowing…..


{ c u e . . .  s i l e n c e }


After two coffees and a rather laborious morning of introspection, I did the thing. That magic pen-to-paper, write anything and everything that comes up, let the words flow, let the words go thing that you’re supposed to do when you journal for no one else but yourself (remember those days?? ;). I took down the filters of curating prose and I did it…and I’m here to encourage you all to do the same. It’s cathartic and quite lovely once you get past that rough start bit…I pinky promise. 

If nothing less, it moved me to get curious around stories I’m telling myself & I’ve little doubt it will do the same for you… It’s December after all friends, and words unspoken/written can weigh heavy. If you’re not convinced, I’ll remind you that Winter is Coming… time to get clear on what you’re looking for, find peace in puddles, over-commit and trade scrolling for strolling*.


*starts knitting project, binges The Crown… 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ll leave you with some whispers from my own thought train on the off chance they move you to shake free some of your own dust-covered dreams, ripe for the re-planting:



{deep breath}.

My (current) truth: I believe, in the depths of my hungry heart, that I’ve been placed on this path to generate light, to manifest love & to indulge in the wonder and work of humans, being. I relish a reframe…our capacity to see through things, to shape shift and mind shift in ways that surprise even ourselves. In my young history, I struggle to be patient… to embrace still, soft, quiet seasons, reaching instead for those led by fire, momentum and sparks set off by passion and purpose. Deep down, I realize these measured moments of unknown are coincidentally when the work is being done, when the prize seeds are being planted. I know this, and still, I tend to walk leaning forward.

I thrive in cities that are energized by connection… navigating sidewalks of strangers, leaving smiles in my wake… sharing moments with intriguing humans I know full well I might never see again. I believe time is meant to be lost track of in conversation and I’m sure souls sing silently, in a language we know but will never fully understand.

I’ve found that combining bold red wine and cozy corners of sprawling urban jungles creates magic the color of candlelight. I’m fueled by the most compassionate, regenerative relationships and I know there will never be enough words or ways to show my love for each and every one of them…for each and every pivot in my path that sent me crossing over theirs.

I believe in timing and serendipity, and vow to never cease from exploration (hat-tip to T.S. Elliott). I’m working to embrace this now space and as I way-find through uncertain seas, my hope is to cultivate every sun-kissed grain of sand, spell-binding city sunset, every surreal adventure through fairytale European cities far & wide, every sweet exchange, sacred smile, every sign and sound of silence… to combine all of these delicious, potent ingredients, and to share them in such a way that the shapes of my story become ever more resonant to the sweet souls that helped me write it… that despite navigating our lives separately, we are humbled to discover our lives as nothing less than co-creations— an endless hall of mirrors reflecting the many, many forms that intimacy and true love can take.

My harvest looks like sunflowers, drunk on sunshine…standing tall & proud, sharing soil, soaking up rain & rays in tandem… rooting down to rise up, singing sweetly in the space between the notes.


“It is not talking of love, but living in love that is everything.” – Yogi tea

Who’s with me?

x, S