Last week was perfectly busy, but left me no time to post….Soo I feel much obliged to make up for lost time with some reminiscent moments & memories.

I believe it was Tuesday morning. We were taking class in the Studio located at the very tip-top of the Royal Theater. The clouds were hanging heavy and low, casting a grey-ish hue over the Copenhagen skyline and just as we began plié’s it started to rain…Not just a light sprinkle, but a torrential downpour complete with thunderous applause. It was one of those epiphany moments where I just soaked in the idealic atmosphere of classical music and waking up with raindrops. This nevertheless was not the first shower of the week…

The weekend prior, I had the honor of catering my first event~ A Baby Shower for a beautiful dancer and friend. I baked and cooked my heart out and was pleasently surprised to sit back and relish the joy that women, babies, tea sandwiches, strawberries on sticks & other delicious bite-sized treats can generate on a Sunday…

The rest of last week was filled with costume fittings, physical therapy appointments, rehearsals, shoe sewing, grocery runs and the usual daily grind here at the Ballet. Here’s a glimpse for you to enjoy…

…and just for kicks, I thought I might include the celebratory efforts of our return here at the Royal Kanteen:

"Ballerina Cake" 10 Kroner.

 Here’s to showers & sweetness~The humble joys of anticipation & arrival.
